
Initiative Tracker

The initiative tracker is an app for managing initiative-based combat in RPGs. It lets you organize the most pertinent information about combatants during battle and adjust it as you go. The order of characters will automatically change based on the initiative entered for the character.

How to use it

  1. When you start your game, enter details for all the player characters: their name, their player's name, and their max HP.
  2. When combat begins, add info for their enemies.
  3. Roll initiative. Record it in the app, and the order of combatants will change to give you a list of turn order.
  4. If you have a group of enemies that rolled as a group, you can duplicate the first character with the blue + button and track their HP individually.
  5. During combat, keep track of miscellaneous information in the Notes field for each character.
  6. As combatants go down, feel free to delete them by pressing the red x button.
  7. When the battle finally ends, press the Clear Initiative button to get ready for the next one.
  8. You can also clear the notes from all characters